Thursday, May 10, 2018

Prosthetic Nipple

I have listened to this clip multiple times.  First with confusion, then with fascination, then with investigation.  

Did this really happen?  Was it a dream, or a fantasy, or real life?  

Why did he choose to wear his prosthetic nipple to the gym, where I'm assuming - based on the context of your usual gym habits - he went swimming, the first place I would anticipate a prosthetic nipple to be rendered useless?  Or perhaps his brand of nipple is a knock-off, and more prone to solubility than other adherences?  

Why didn't he acknowledge your return of his lost nipple?  Was he embarrassed?  Did he fear your judgement?  Did he think you had stolen it?  

Why did you choose me to be the recipient of this audio file?  Did you mean to send it to me?  Was it meant for another?  Ann, perhaps?  

To quote another, this tale sounds oneiric, symbolic, and possibly monumental.  

Beyond belief.  

But I'm learning to let go of such silly concepts of truth and real when participating in stories.  


  1. I've been thinking about that question.

    Why didn't he acknowledge it?

    I've gone over and over the moment in my head. I've absolutely come down to two possibilities:

    POSSIBILITY NUMBER ONE: He didn't really care. I mean nipples must feel to him like the most useless flourish on his costume. Totally meaningless and yet something he has to paste on (apparently) over and over again just to look like he's one of us. But it is SUCH a big deal. He doesn't remember the climax of ET with all those HAZMAT suits and vans and he hasn't heard the lore surrounding Roswell? Of course he does, which is why on some level it feels that this is not the actual answer.

    POSSIBILITY NUMBER TWO: He just forgot for a minute. He works so hard all the time to seem "normal" to fit in. And yeah sure most humans go through a period of their life where this is all they think about, but not really. Not ALL ALL they think about. They gradually get used to the routines and they think: this moment is dangerous, this moment is safe. But he doesn't have safe moments.

    And that's why I just don't feel offended that he didn't acknowledge me. I'm guessing that he realized his mistake later, but then what can he do? But stare at the ceiling awake?

    On the other hand maybe sleepless nights aren't the way that his kind deals with these accidents. Maybe they sleep more deeply with worse dreams?

    I can't help but look at him now and wonder what it's like to always be false.

  2. Also that is obviously the best picture ever.



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